Supporting specific needs


What kind and how much data we can provide?

Unique need, unique solution!

Tailor-made analyses are part of our portfolio. If a client collects the data independently, using his own data acquisition platform, we can also provide the analysis. We perform analysis on the basis of the submitted data recordings, as agreed in consultation. Any combination of analysis is worth considering, including impact monitoring of products of the client, on plot (several 10s m2) or field (1-10 ha or larger) scale. Sometimes, satellite data processing is also a possibility. All of our activities can be combined with leaf/plant and soil analysis too. Our molecular and microbiological laboratories are well prepared and can perform a wide range of analyses.

• Impact monitoring of any field experiment

Monitoring experiments covering several hectares

• Plant monitoring

Monitoring specific parameters in cultivated plants

• Data collection and analysis

We design the data collection method, and adapt it to the client's specific needs

• Plant disease detection

We can develop new methods to detect new diseases

• Simultaneous monitoring of large amounts of experimental plots

We can perform concurrent time-series analysis of a large number of experimental plots and organise the data in a spatial database, and visualize the results in an interactive web map.

How do I choose the right method?


For each custom service, the size of the area and the type of crops are the determining factors


Impact monitoring of any field experiments

We support for farmers' own experiments. We can perform impact monitoring of a new product at many different scales . We can help farmers during the planning stage with a preliminary survey of the area to ensure that the trial can be carried out under the right conditions with as few influencing factors as possible. In consultation with the client, we monitor the parameters that can effectively demonstrate the purpose of the experiment. These may be unique new parameters or a combination of parameters already used in other existing methods. If the workflow requires it, new analytical methods can be developed to process and analyse the data.


Plant monitoring

During the experiments, we will monitor the development of the plant population in detail using drone images. The recordings provide data on growth dynamics and possible stress factors, so that we can react quickly and accurately to any problems during the experiments.


Data collection and analysis

Accurate data collection is essential for successful monitoring. We use our drone and satellite data based technology to collect large amounts of data on plants and then analyse this data using in house developed models and adaptations of existing algorithms. These tools ensure the most accurate results possible, which contribute to the reliability of the experimental results and ensuring comparability of the results of different plots.


Detection of plant diseases

With climate change, more and more diseases are expected to emerge that were not prevalent in the area. An example of such a disease is MDMV (Maize Dwarf Mosaic Viruses), which is a growing problem in hybrid maize production in many areas. Detecting these diseases at an early stage is key to maximising yields.


Simultaneous monitoring of thousands of experimental plots

We also manage the simultaneous monitoring of large experimental areas. In such cases, we combine the experimental design provided by the client with the results of the data collection. We also manage monitoring and data collection for experiments, separating the results of each treatment or experiment separately for comparability. The results are provided to the client in a web map application for easy management.


In addition to delivering the results, we always consult with the client to ensure that the information is best used and integrated into production management. We adapt the form of delivery of the results to your needs. In all cases, we take into account the current geographic information standards!



Let's choose together which service is right for you!